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How Zoho Email Marketing Can Help You Run A Better Inbound Marketing Strategy

Conversational growth; marketing personalization; marketing automation; lead nurturing; lead engagement – there’s one phenomenon that unites these aspects of inbound marketing and many others. This uniting phenomenon is none other than email marketing.

Given an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, email marketing remains the best channel to invest in if you want to rake in benefits for your efforts. More so, email marketing has been around for a long time; and for it to still hold its own among other relatively new digital marketing channels, that tells one something.

Your inbound marketing strategy will be soulless without an email marketing strategy. Email is the best way to chart and track a course for your buyers.

However, email marketing doesn’t just work for everyone. There are tried and tested strategies to make email marketing work for you and your business.

Have you been experiencing low open rates? Have your CTAs gone unattended to? Is your spam rate increasing alarmingly? Let’s walk you through what you need to run an email marketing strategy that works.

Components Of A Results-driven Zoho Email Marketing Strategy

Set Your Email Marketing Objectives

To successfully run an email marketing campaign, you must first set your objectives. This is because your objectives will guide you on the best approach to your campaigns.

What do you hope to achieve via your email marketing campaign? New customers? Build your brand awareness? Nurture your leads? Promote new products to existing customers? Do all of these and more?

The more your goals, the more robust your strategy would be. Also, you need to identify how your objectives relate to each other and how they all unite to form an overall objective.

Build Your Email List And Segment Your Contacts

You also want to consider building your email list the inbound way. Consider creating lead magnets that can help you generate willing leads for nurturing and conversion.

One strategy that works is having a lead magnet for every informative pillar content on your blog. Through this, you can generate leads based on their preference and nurture them.

You should also consider segmenting your contacts. Segmentation can help you improve your email marketing stats exponentially. Context matters as much as content – thus, segmentation is important. Why? You might be sending the right message, but to the wrong audience.


Setting your objectives and segmenting your contacts are not enough. You also need to learn how to personalize your email marketing. When sending your emails, write for the individual, not everyone.

Niche down. Picture your buyer persona; their needs; what can help them grow and advance through the buyer’s journey. Base your content on this one person.

This way, everyone who receives your email will feel a unique connection to your brand, which would make them more likely to follow through with your CTA.

Create Automated Workflows

Your email marketing strategy could be burdensome; especially if you choose to run everything manually. Being able to envisage each lead’s journey to conversion, identifying the important milestones, and creating content to help them move to the next stage, is valuable. What’s more valuable is creating workflows based on what you’ve envisaged, so that the content delivery is efficiently done.

Automated workflows help you keep up with what needs to be done, no matter how bulky the task becomes. It also guarantees you that each email will be sent, even if you’re not present to monitor it.

Automated workflows will prove to your prospects that your company is efficient, and prospects are more likely to trust efficient companies, as compared to inefficient ones. If trust is the basis of inbound marketing, then, automated workflows will positively impact your inbound marketing strategy.

Use Data To Your Advantage

With email marketing, you will have access to a lot of data, especially if you use an email marketing tool like Zoho. You’ll be able to study the behaviors of your subscribers – the time they open the emails, the open rate, click-through rate, among some other important metrics.

You need to use these data to your advantage. Study them, over time, and look into how you can optimize your email campaigns. Do people open your emails more in the morning? Then, focus on sending the emails in the morning.

Run A/B tests with different aspects of the email – the header, the CTA – to pick the most performing aspects.

Your email marketing strategy has to unify with the ideals of inbound marketing. Learn how to create and send emails that are reader-focused. Creating an email marketing strategy with the practices above will help you realize a worthy ROI.

Want to learn how to implement the best email marketing practices using email marketing software? Reach out to our team of experts via the link below to get help.

Inbound Marketing Powered by Zoho MarTech

If you have experience with Zoho’s marketing software stack ( MarTech ) and understand this inbound marketing strategy foundations, you have a very powerful marketing starter pack ready to be configured and unleashed!

QuakeCinch can always help with your Zoho Marketing initiatives, just reach out to us!!